Gamers come in all shapes and sizes, in all age groups and from all levels of society. Whether you are a next-gen gamer, a retro gamer, a casual or a die-hard. You are a gamer first!

Gamers gather!

Every gamer has a love for games. Otherwise you wouldn’t be a gamer after all. This love for games creates a collection. Sometimes you have multiple collections, but that does not always have to be the case.

We want to ensure that you as a gamer can view, filter, share and manage your digital Nintendo collection easily and quickly. Because unfortunately, to this day, we consider that a shortcoming on Nintendo’s part.

Sure you can see some play activity from others on the Nintendo Switch, but that’s simply it. Moving forward, matchmaking was going to become a thing. But you can’t see someone’s entire collection, see what someone’s favorites are, what games they’ve played or have on their wishlist, or anything else. to name.

That only gets worse if you don’t own the Nintendo Switch but an older Nintendo console.

NintendoReporters wants to give every gamer an option to share, what they want to share, who they want to share it with when it comes to their Nintendo gaming collections. Whether that concerns, for example, a Nintendo Gameboy Advance, Nintendo Wii or a Nintendo Switch collection.

We want to bring all Nintendo gamers together so that easier and more interaction can take place. But nothing is mandatory, you as a gamer decide for yourself what you do or do not want to do.

Every gamer counts!

Various reports show that around 40% of people who own a Nintendo Switch have it as their second console. This means that when we appeal to gamers, we appeal to more than just Nintendo fans. We also appeal to people who have a Sony Playstation or a Microsoft Xbox, for example. And there’s nothing wrong with that!

With that approach, despite the fact that NintendoReporters is a Nintendo-focused medium (duhhh), we have chosen to do 1 special thing in the Nintendo Collection System.

At console level you can choose almost any console that has ever been released. So, for example, a PS4 or an Xbox One X. Why? Because our system is meant to bring gamers together.

We will never be able to map every game from every console AND that is not something we want. As mentioned, we have a preference for Nintendo. But with the Nintendo Collection System we want to bring together people with a passion for Nintendo and help them map their entire Nintendo collection digitally.

BUT we also want to bring together Nintendo gamers with other gaming interests. Because why wouldn’t you, for example, want to play a game of FIFA on the Playstation together? There’s nothing wrong with that.

Please note; this last example regarding matchmaking is something we are still working on.

Nintendo gamers, we sincerely hope that with the Nintendo Collection System we can offer you something cool that will improve your gaming life. If it doesn’t do that, if you have any ideas or feedback about it, we would of course love to hear from you!